Wednesday, January 12, 2011

so what's it about?

Well today is my first post even though I set this up over a year ago. Now I just have too much spare time NOT to blog. And also I like to talk about myself a lot too so it seems to fit.
Today in Northern Virginia we had a snow day. That means that 1 inch of snow fell and the schools were delayed two hours - therefore canceling morning preschool. I'm not complaining - I LOVE the snow and I'm from Buffalo so I know what to do in the snow. I don't however enjoying driving in the snow EVER so I'm happy to stay indoors and hunker down - actually something I'm VERY good at. :)

I think the hardest thing about blogging is topic. I am by nature a rambler/oversharer/chatter box so I think it's going to be hard to really find my footing here. Pick a topic of the day/week/etc and stick to it. So I guess today is snow in Northern VA and what it's got to do with me.

Even with the single INCH of snow (not foot - just to be clear) the girls and I went out sledding and angel making. It's always nice to get some fresh air and momma loves when it takes
15 minutes to dress for the outdoors,
10 minutes to play before the little one gets cold,
5 minutes to undress from snow apparel,
20 minutes for the dryer to run/floor to air dry,
5 minutes to put everything away.

Nothing I like better than killing time in the afternoon. So now I'll let the electronic babysitter (TV obviously) watch over the kids while I sip some tea and write a blog and (hopefully) get through my whole Woman's Day magazine that came in the mail today. Hope you are enjoying the snow East Coast but quite teasing me Mother Nature!! Give me more!!

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